Give your ideas shape and meaning.

After all, a dream only exists in the mind and heart unless it can start to take physical form. You have invested the time to fantasise and play with your ideas of potential Now starts the process of bringing them to life, and your reality.

The Design phase begins with access to your own Personal Portal, where you will receive design options crafted using our extensive notes from your Dream & Discover experience. You will be able to contemplate the potential forms of your ideas before we extend to you another invitation to our studio. The Design meeting is ultimately constructed to guide you through introspective thought utilising our skills in styling, design, alchemy and storytelling. This is the stage where you will start to see your collaboration with us take a visual turn, witnessing the beautiful moment the realisation of original concepts and fantasy.

As a result of this, we will have the information we need to help you make a decision on the final shape of your artefact. An artefact that you will then be able to witness take physical form within the next stage of The UMUN Experience.

Start my new story